Progress in Brain Research
Mostra tutti i 59 titoli....
Brain mechanisms : international colloquium sponsored by the International Brain Research Organisation (IBRO) on Specific and Unspecific Mechanisms of Sensory Motor Integration: Pisa, 1961 ; 1
Nerve, brain and memory models : [this volume contains a series of lectures delivered during a Symposium on Cybernetics on the Nervous System wich was held as part of the Second International Meeting of Medical Cybernetics at the Royal Academy of Sciences at Amsterdam from 16–18 April, 1962. The organization of the symposium was partly supported by grants from the Netherlands Government, Philips (Eindhoven , The Netherlands ), I.B.M. (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Electrologica (The Hague, The Netherlands )] ; 2
The rhinencephalon and related structures : [this volume contains a series of lectures delivered during a symposium on the Rhinencephalon wich was held as part of the third International Meeting of Neurobiologist at the Anatomisches Institut der Universität Kiel, Kiel (Deutschland) from 26–29 September, 1962. This meeting was organized by W. Bargmann, K. Fleischhauer and A. Oksche] ; 3
Growth and maturation of the brain : [this volume contains a series of lectures delivered during an interdisciplinary workshop on Growth and Maturation of the Brain wich was held at the castle "De Hooge Vuursche" from 7–9 September, 1962 this meeting was organized by the Department of Developmental Neurology from the Central Institute for Brain Research, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)] ; 4
Lectures on the diencephalon : [this volume contains a series of lectures delivered during a Symposium on the Structure and Function of the Diencephalon wich was held as part of the third International Meeting of Neurobiologist at the Anatomisches Institut der Universität Kiel, Kiel (Deutschland) from 26–29 September, 1962. This meeting was organized by W. Bargmann, K. Fleischhauer and A. Oksche] ; 5
Topics in basic neurology : [this volume contains a series of lectures delivered during a Symposium on Topics in Basic Neurology wich was held as part of the third International Meeting of Neurobiologist at the Anatomisches Institut der Universität Kiel, Kiel (Deutschland) from 26–29 September, 1962. This meeting was organized by W. Bargmann, K. Fleischhauer and A. Oksche] ; 6
Slow electrical processes in the brain ; 7
Biogenic amines ; 8
The developing brain ; 9
Structure and function of the epiphysis cerebri : [this volume contains the proceedings of an International round–table Conference on the Structure and Function oh the Epiphysis Cerebri which was held under the auspices of the International Society for Neurovegetative Research at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, Amsterdam (the Netherlands) from 10–13 July, 1963. This conference was organized by J. Ariëns Kappers] ; 10
Organization of the spinal cord : [this volume contains a series of lectures delivered during a workshop on Organization of the Spinal Cord wich was held as part of the first International Summer School of Brain Research at the Royal Academy of Science, Amsterdam (The Netherlands) from 15–26 July, 1963. This meeting was organized by the Central Institute for Brain Research and sponsored by The Netherlands Government and the NATO Advanced Study Institute Program] ; 11
Physiology of spinal neurons : [this volume contains a series of lectures delivered during a workshop on Physiology of Spinal Neurons wich was held as part of the first International Summer School of Brain Research at the Royal Academy of Science, Amsterdam (The Netherlands) from 15–26 July, 1963. This meeting was organized by the Central Institute for Brain Research and sponsored by The Netherlands Government and the NATO Advanced Study Institute Program] ; 12
Mechanisms of neural regeneration : [this volume contains a series of lectures delivered during a Workshop on Mechanisms of Neural Regeneration wich was held as part of the first International Summer School of Brain Research at the Royal Academy of Science, Amsterdam (The Netherlands) from 15–26 July, 1963. This meeting was organized by the Central Institute for Brain Research and sponsored by The Netherlands Government and the NATO Advanced Study Institute Program] ; 13
Degeneration patterns in the nervous system : [this volume contains a series of lectures delivered during a workshop on Degeneration Patterns in the Nervous System wich was held as part of the first International Summer School of Brain Research at the Royal Academy of Science, Amsterdam (The Netherlands) from 15–26 July, 1963. This meeting was organized by the Central Institute for Brain Research and sponsored by The Netherlands Government and the NATO Advanced Study Institute Program] ; 14
Biology of neuroglia : [this volume contains the lectures delivered and the discussion that followed during a Symposium on Biology of Neuroglia which was hels as a part of the 10th Latin–American Congress of Neurosurgery at the Academia Nacional de Medicina in Buenos Aires from 17–18 October, 1963. This symposium was sponsored by: the Institute Torcuato di Tella, Buenos Aires (Argentina); the International Brain Research Organization; the Centro de Cooperación Cientifica para America Latina de la UNESCO; and partially supported by grants from: The National Institutes of Health U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare (NB 04735–01); the Consejo Nacional de Investigacione Científicas y Tecnicas Argentina (No. 1423)] ; 15
Horizons in neuro–psychopharmacology ; 16
Cybernetics of the nervous system ; 17
Sleep mechanisms : [this volume contains the proceedings of a Symposium on the Physiological, Pharmacological and Clinical Aspects of Sleep organized by the Brain Research Institute of the University of Zurich (director Prof. K. Akert) at the Department of Surgery of the Kantonsspital Zurich (Switzerland) from 18–19 September 1964. The symposium was sponsored by F. Hoffman–La Roche&Co. Ltd, Basle (Switzerland)] ; 18
Experimental epilepsy ; 19
Pharmacology and physiology of the reticular formation ; 20
Correlative neurosciences ; 21A, 21B
Part B: Clinical studies ; 21B
Part A: Fundamental mechanisms ; 21A
Brain reflexes : proceedings of the international conference dedicated to the centenary celebration of the publication of I. M. Sechenov's book Brain Reflexes sponsored by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the International Brain Research Organisation (IBRO) ; 22
Sensory mechanisms ; 23
Carbon monoxide poisoning ; 24
The cerebellum ; 25
Developmental neurology ; 26
Structure and function of the limbic system : [this volume contains the proceedings of a Symposium on the Structure and Function of the Limbic System organized by the Brain Research Institute, University of Tokyo, and held in connection with the XXIIIrd International Congress of Physiological Sciences ai Hakone, Japan in September 1965] ; 27
Anticholinergic drugs and brain functions in animals and man : [this volume contains the proceedings of the VIth Symposium on Anticholinergic Drugs and Brain Functions in Animals and Man, held in connection with the Vth International Congress Collegium Internationale Neuro–Psychopharmacologicum, at Washington D.C., March 20–31, 1966 (chairman: P. B. Bradley and M. Fink)] ; 28
Brain barrier systems ; 29
Cerebral circulation ; 30
Mechanisms of synaptic transmission : [this volume contains the proceedings of an International Symposium on Mechanisms of Synaptic Transmission Morphological, Biochemical, Pharmacological and Physiological Aspects held at Einsiedeln (Switzerland) in September 1968 under the auspices of the Swiss Society of the Natural Sciences (146th annual convention)] ; 31
Pituitary, adrenal and the brain : [this volume contains the proceedings of an International Conference on The Pituitary–Adrenal Axis and the Nervous System. The conference was organized by the Rudolf Magnus Institute for Pharmacology, University of Utrecht, and held at Vierhouten, The Netherlands, 22–24 July, 1969] ; 32
Computers and brains ; 33
Histochemistry of nervous transmission ; 34
Cerebral blood flow : relationship of cerebral blood flow and metabolism to neurological symptoms ; 35
Biochemical and pharmacological mechanisms underlying behaviour ; 36
Basic aspects of central vestibular mechanisms : proceedings of a symposium held in Pisa on 15–17th of July 1971 as part of the XXV International Congress of Physiological Sciences ; 37
Topics in neuroendocrinology ; 38
Drug effects on neuroendocrine regulation : [this volume contains the proceedings of an International Symposium on Drug Effects on Neuroendocrine Regulation. The Symposium was sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health and National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and held at Snowmass–at–Aspen, Colorado, U.S.A., 17–19 July 1972] ; 39
Neurobiological aspects of maturation and aging : proceedings of a Symposium, sponsored by the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology, and held at Downstate Medical Center, State University of New York, Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A., June 26–29, 1972 ; 40
Integrative hypothalamic activity ; 41
Somatosensory and visceral receptor mechanisms : proceeding of an International Symposium held in Leningrad, U.S.S.R. on October 11–15, 1974 ; 43
Understanding the stretch reflex ; 44
Perspectives in brain research : proceedings of the 9th International Summer School of Brain Research, organized by the Netherlands Central Institute for Brain Research, Amsterdam, and held at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences at Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on July 28–August 1, 1975 ; 45
Membrane morphology of the vertebrate nervous system : a study with freeze–etch technique ; 46
The cholinergic synapse ; 49
Reflex control of posture and movement : proceedings of an IBRO Symposium held in Pisa, Italy, on September 11–14, 1978 ; 50
Development and chemical specificity of neurons : proceedings of the Schatzalp Symposium, September 1978 ; 51
The pineal gland of vertebrates including man : proceedings of the 1st Colloquium of the European Pineal Study Group (EPSG), held at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on 20–24 november, 1978 ; 52
Adaptive capabilities of the nervous system : proceedings of the 11th International Summer School of Brain Research, organized by the Netherlands Institute for Brain Research, Amsterdam, and held at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on August 13–17, 1979 ; 53
Motivation, motor and sensory processes of the brain : electrical potentials, behaviour, and clinical use : proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Electrical Potentials Related to Motivation, Motor and Sensory Processes of the Brain (MOSS V), held at Ulm–Reisensburg, May 14–18, 1979 ; 54
Chemical transmission in the brain : the role of amines, amino acids, and peptides : proceedings of the 12th International Summer School of Brain Research, held at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, from August 31 to September 4, 1981 ; 55
Brain phosphoproteins : characterization and function : proceedings of a workshop at the State University of Utrecht, September 1981 ; 56
Anatomy of descending pathways to the spinal cord ; 57
Molecular and cellular interactions underlying higher brain functions : proceedings of the 9th meeting of the International Neurobiology Society, held at the Abbaye Royale de Fontevrault (France), on September 1–4 1981 ; 58
Immunology of nervous system infections : proceeding of the Noble Bodman Symposium on Immunological Aspects of Acute and Chronic Nervous Disorders, London, U.K., 12–13 November, 1981 ; 59
The neurohypophysis : structure, function and control : proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Neurohypophysis, held at Babraham, Cambridge (U.K.), on September 14–16th, 1982 ; 60
Nerve, brain and memory models : [this volume contains a series of lectures delivered during a Symposium on Cybernetics on the Nervous System wich was held as part of the Second International Meeting of Medical Cybernetics at the Royal Academy of Sciences at Amsterdam from 16–18 April, 1962. The organization of the symposium was partly supported by grants from the Netherlands Government, Philips (Eindhoven , The Netherlands ), I.B.M. (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Electrologica (The Hague, The Netherlands )] ; 2
The rhinencephalon and related structures : [this volume contains a series of lectures delivered during a symposium on the Rhinencephalon wich was held as part of the third International Meeting of Neurobiologist at the Anatomisches Institut der Universität Kiel, Kiel (Deutschland) from 26–29 September, 1962. This meeting was organized by W. Bargmann, K. Fleischhauer and A. Oksche] ; 3
Growth and maturation of the brain : [this volume contains a series of lectures delivered during an interdisciplinary workshop on Growth and Maturation of the Brain wich was held at the castle "De Hooge Vuursche" from 7–9 September, 1962 this meeting was organized by the Department of Developmental Neurology from the Central Institute for Brain Research, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)] ; 4
Lectures on the diencephalon : [this volume contains a series of lectures delivered during a Symposium on the Structure and Function of the Diencephalon wich was held as part of the third International Meeting of Neurobiologist at the Anatomisches Institut der Universität Kiel, Kiel (Deutschland) from 26–29 September, 1962. This meeting was organized by W. Bargmann, K. Fleischhauer and A. Oksche] ; 5
Topics in basic neurology : [this volume contains a series of lectures delivered during a Symposium on Topics in Basic Neurology wich was held as part of the third International Meeting of Neurobiologist at the Anatomisches Institut der Universität Kiel, Kiel (Deutschland) from 26–29 September, 1962. This meeting was organized by W. Bargmann, K. Fleischhauer and A. Oksche] ; 6
Slow electrical processes in the brain ; 7
Biogenic amines ; 8
The developing brain ; 9
Structure and function of the epiphysis cerebri : [this volume contains the proceedings of an International round–table Conference on the Structure and Function oh the Epiphysis Cerebri which was held under the auspices of the International Society for Neurovegetative Research at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, Amsterdam (the Netherlands) from 10–13 July, 1963. This conference was organized by J. Ariëns Kappers] ; 10
Organization of the spinal cord : [this volume contains a series of lectures delivered during a workshop on Organization of the Spinal Cord wich was held as part of the first International Summer School of Brain Research at the Royal Academy of Science, Amsterdam (The Netherlands) from 15–26 July, 1963. This meeting was organized by the Central Institute for Brain Research and sponsored by The Netherlands Government and the NATO Advanced Study Institute Program] ; 11
Physiology of spinal neurons : [this volume contains a series of lectures delivered during a workshop on Physiology of Spinal Neurons wich was held as part of the first International Summer School of Brain Research at the Royal Academy of Science, Amsterdam (The Netherlands) from 15–26 July, 1963. This meeting was organized by the Central Institute for Brain Research and sponsored by The Netherlands Government and the NATO Advanced Study Institute Program] ; 12
Mechanisms of neural regeneration : [this volume contains a series of lectures delivered during a Workshop on Mechanisms of Neural Regeneration wich was held as part of the first International Summer School of Brain Research at the Royal Academy of Science, Amsterdam (The Netherlands) from 15–26 July, 1963. This meeting was organized by the Central Institute for Brain Research and sponsored by The Netherlands Government and the NATO Advanced Study Institute Program] ; 13
Degeneration patterns in the nervous system : [this volume contains a series of lectures delivered during a workshop on Degeneration Patterns in the Nervous System wich was held as part of the first International Summer School of Brain Research at the Royal Academy of Science, Amsterdam (The Netherlands) from 15–26 July, 1963. This meeting was organized by the Central Institute for Brain Research and sponsored by The Netherlands Government and the NATO Advanced Study Institute Program] ; 14
Biology of neuroglia : [this volume contains the lectures delivered and the discussion that followed during a Symposium on Biology of Neuroglia which was hels as a part of the 10th Latin–American Congress of Neurosurgery at the Academia Nacional de Medicina in Buenos Aires from 17–18 October, 1963. This symposium was sponsored by: the Institute Torcuato di Tella, Buenos Aires (Argentina); the International Brain Research Organization; the Centro de Cooperación Cientifica para America Latina de la UNESCO; and partially supported by grants from: The National Institutes of Health U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare (NB 04735–01); the Consejo Nacional de Investigacione Científicas y Tecnicas Argentina (No. 1423)] ; 15
Horizons in neuro–psychopharmacology ; 16
Cybernetics of the nervous system ; 17
Sleep mechanisms : [this volume contains the proceedings of a Symposium on the Physiological, Pharmacological and Clinical Aspects of Sleep organized by the Brain Research Institute of the University of Zurich (director Prof. K. Akert) at the Department of Surgery of the Kantonsspital Zurich (Switzerland) from 18–19 September 1964. The symposium was sponsored by F. Hoffman–La Roche&Co. Ltd, Basle (Switzerland)] ; 18
Experimental epilepsy ; 19
Pharmacology and physiology of the reticular formation ; 20
Correlative neurosciences ; 21A, 21B
Part B: Clinical studies ; 21B
Part A: Fundamental mechanisms ; 21A
Brain reflexes : proceedings of the international conference dedicated to the centenary celebration of the publication of I. M. Sechenov's book Brain Reflexes sponsored by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the International Brain Research Organisation (IBRO) ; 22
Sensory mechanisms ; 23
Carbon monoxide poisoning ; 24
The cerebellum ; 25
Developmental neurology ; 26
Structure and function of the limbic system : [this volume contains the proceedings of a Symposium on the Structure and Function of the Limbic System organized by the Brain Research Institute, University of Tokyo, and held in connection with the XXIIIrd International Congress of Physiological Sciences ai Hakone, Japan in September 1965] ; 27
Anticholinergic drugs and brain functions in animals and man : [this volume contains the proceedings of the VIth Symposium on Anticholinergic Drugs and Brain Functions in Animals and Man, held in connection with the Vth International Congress Collegium Internationale Neuro–Psychopharmacologicum, at Washington D.C., March 20–31, 1966 (chairman: P. B. Bradley and M. Fink)] ; 28
Brain barrier systems ; 29
Cerebral circulation ; 30
Mechanisms of synaptic transmission : [this volume contains the proceedings of an International Symposium on Mechanisms of Synaptic Transmission Morphological, Biochemical, Pharmacological and Physiological Aspects held at Einsiedeln (Switzerland) in September 1968 under the auspices of the Swiss Society of the Natural Sciences (146th annual convention)] ; 31
Pituitary, adrenal and the brain : [this volume contains the proceedings of an International Conference on The Pituitary–Adrenal Axis and the Nervous System. The conference was organized by the Rudolf Magnus Institute for Pharmacology, University of Utrecht, and held at Vierhouten, The Netherlands, 22–24 July, 1969] ; 32
Computers and brains ; 33
Histochemistry of nervous transmission ; 34
Cerebral blood flow : relationship of cerebral blood flow and metabolism to neurological symptoms ; 35
Biochemical and pharmacological mechanisms underlying behaviour ; 36
Basic aspects of central vestibular mechanisms : proceedings of a symposium held in Pisa on 15–17th of July 1971 as part of the XXV International Congress of Physiological Sciences ; 37
Topics in neuroendocrinology ; 38
Drug effects on neuroendocrine regulation : [this volume contains the proceedings of an International Symposium on Drug Effects on Neuroendocrine Regulation. The Symposium was sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health and National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and held at Snowmass–at–Aspen, Colorado, U.S.A., 17–19 July 1972] ; 39
Neurobiological aspects of maturation and aging : proceedings of a Symposium, sponsored by the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology, and held at Downstate Medical Center, State University of New York, Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A., June 26–29, 1972 ; 40
Integrative hypothalamic activity ; 41
Somatosensory and visceral receptor mechanisms : proceeding of an International Symposium held in Leningrad, U.S.S.R. on October 11–15, 1974 ; 43
Understanding the stretch reflex ; 44
Perspectives in brain research : proceedings of the 9th International Summer School of Brain Research, organized by the Netherlands Central Institute for Brain Research, Amsterdam, and held at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences at Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on July 28–August 1, 1975 ; 45
Membrane morphology of the vertebrate nervous system : a study with freeze–etch technique ; 46
The cholinergic synapse ; 49
Reflex control of posture and movement : proceedings of an IBRO Symposium held in Pisa, Italy, on September 11–14, 1978 ; 50
Development and chemical specificity of neurons : proceedings of the Schatzalp Symposium, September 1978 ; 51
The pineal gland of vertebrates including man : proceedings of the 1st Colloquium of the European Pineal Study Group (EPSG), held at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on 20–24 november, 1978 ; 52
Adaptive capabilities of the nervous system : proceedings of the 11th International Summer School of Brain Research, organized by the Netherlands Institute for Brain Research, Amsterdam, and held at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on August 13–17, 1979 ; 53
Motivation, motor and sensory processes of the brain : electrical potentials, behaviour, and clinical use : proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Electrical Potentials Related to Motivation, Motor and Sensory Processes of the Brain (MOSS V), held at Ulm–Reisensburg, May 14–18, 1979 ; 54
Chemical transmission in the brain : the role of amines, amino acids, and peptides : proceedings of the 12th International Summer School of Brain Research, held at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, from August 31 to September 4, 1981 ; 55
Brain phosphoproteins : characterization and function : proceedings of a workshop at the State University of Utrecht, September 1981 ; 56
Anatomy of descending pathways to the spinal cord ; 57
Molecular and cellular interactions underlying higher brain functions : proceedings of the 9th meeting of the International Neurobiology Society, held at the Abbaye Royale de Fontevrault (France), on September 1–4 1981 ; 58
Immunology of nervous system infections : proceeding of the Noble Bodman Symposium on Immunological Aspects of Acute and Chronic Nervous Disorders, London, U.K., 12–13 November, 1981 ; 59
The neurohypophysis : structure, function and control : proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Neurohypophysis, held at Babraham, Cambridge (U.K.), on September 14–16th, 1982 ; 60