Monografia, Moderno

Ruolo: Curatore

Sol Plaatje's «Mhudi» and the Historical Novel, pp. 11-28
The logos of the african trickster, pp. 29-40
Speaking structures. A study of Amos Tutuola's «The palm–wine drinkard» part II, pp. 41-54
An interview with Ben Okri, pp. 55-82
South Africa's terminal speech : the discourse of the mother–land in J.M. Coetzee's «Age of iron», pp. 83-93
Jawaharlal Nehru : a rare literary sensibility, pp. 97-108
Arun Joshi's «The apprentice» : the novel of our times, pp. 109-114
«On the ganga ghat» : an assessment, pp. 115-120
Sri Rama rides again : hindu and raj views of holy benares, pp. 121-126
An interview with Arun Joshi, pp. 127-132
History, ideology and utopia in Vance Palmer's «Golconda» trilogy and John Mulgan's «Man alone», pp. 135-140
An interview with Dorothy Livesay, the grand old woman of Canada, pp. 141-156
A ceremony against darkness : Michael Ondaatje's «Running in the family», pp. 157-170
The numinous death of boy staunton : analysis of a crime, pp. 171-183

# Collocazione Prestabile Disponibilità  
IRCRES (TO) - CERIS Seminario: J3/20 Si Biblioteca
