Monografia, Moderno

Rabindranath Tagore's aesthetics, pp. 1-10
Images of the artist in "The vivisector" by Patrick White, pp. 11-18
Artist and nationality in G. Johnston's trilogy, pp. 19-30
The early artist in Australia : a pictorial account of life lived, pp. 31-38
David Ireland and the predicament of the Australian writer, pp. 39-47
Hone Tuwhare, the carver poet, pp. 48-54
The theatre, the artist and Soweto, pp. 55-63
André Brink and the writer in "Writing in a state of Siege", pp. 64-71
Autobiography in black and white : South African views of the past, pp. 72-82
Enter the iconoclast : Buchi Emecheta and the Igbo culture, pp. 83-94
Exorcising the planter–devil in the plays of Derek Walcott, pp. 95-102
"In a green night", pp. 103-118

# Collocazione Prestabile Disponibilità  
IRCRES (TO) - CERIS Seminario: R1/06 Si Biblioteca
