Periodico, Moderno

A tale larger than the sum of its parts : Herman Charles Bosman's use of short fictional forms ; 1989, Vol. 3, n. 5, pp. 1-10
Développement et revalorisation culturelle dans le roman francophone africain ; 1989, Vol. 3, n. 5, pp. 17-35
We set eyes on hell ; 1989, Vol. 3, n. 5, pp. 37-52
Un éducateur sur les planches : entretien avec Jean–Pierre Guingané ; 1989, Vol. 3, n. 5, pp. 55-71
Sport in Libyen : über Körperkultur als Indikator gesellschaftlicher Widersprüche ; 1989, Vol. 3, n. 5, pp. 81-98
"Crisis and conflict in the new literatures in English" : XIth annual conference on Commonwealth literature and language studies in German–speaking countries : Aachen/Liège, 6.–19 Juni 1988 ; 1989, Vol. 3, n. 5, pp. 99-103
Ola Rotimi Symposium : Port Harcourt, 24.–25. Juni 1988 ; 1989, Vol. 3, n. 5, pp. 104
the Gretchens meet the Ramatoulayes ; On : Frauen in Afrika, Erzählungen und Berichte ; 1989, Vol. 3, n. 5, pp. 105-112
Perspectives on Nigerian literature : 1700 to the present ; 1989, Vol. 3, n. 5, pp. 113-114
Before our very eyes : tribute to Wole Soyinka, winner of the Nobel prize for literature ; 1989, Vol. 3, n. 5, pp. 115
Emmanuel Meziemadu Okoye : the traditional religion and its encounter with christianity in Achebe's novels ; 1989, Vol. 3, n. 5, pp. 116-118
Frankophone Literaturen außerhalb Europas ; 1989, Vol. 3, n. 5, pp. 118-121
The black presence in English literature ; 1989, Vol. 3, n. 5, pp. 121-124
David Dabydeen : Hogarth's blacks : images of blacks in eighteenth century English art ; 1989, Vol. 3, n. 5, pp. 124-126
Substrata versus universals in Creole genesis ; 1989, Vol. 3, n. 5, pp. 126-128
Afrikanische Sprachen in Forschung und Lehre : 75 Jahre Afrikanistik in Hamburg (1909–1984) ; 1989, Vol. 3, n. 5, pp. 129-132
Wolfgang Bender : "Sweet mother": moderne afrikanische musik ; 1989, Vol. 3, n. 5, pp. 132-134
Werner Puschra : Schwarze Gewerkschaften in Südafrika ; 1989, Vol. 3, n. 5, pp. 134-136
Horst Gründer : Geschichte der deutschen Kolonien ; 1989, Vol. 3, n. 5, pp. 136-138

# Collocazione Consistenza Lacune Abbonamento
IRCRES (TO) - CERIS Seminario: R5/13 N. 5 (1989); Cessato
