Monografia, Moderno

Ruolo: Curatore
Ruolo: Curatore

A ’will–to–poetry’ in the crossing of space and time : "An atlas of the difficult world" by Adrienne Rich, pp. 11-43
If only Caliban were a virus : a literary–clinical analysis of colonial alieNation, pp. 45-61
Silence and the Edge of Translation : Keri Hulme's "The bone people", pp. 63-83
A thin edge of Barbwire : Gloria Anzaldúa's "Borderlands", pp. 87-102
Politics of survival in Achebe's "Anthills of the Savannah", pp. 103-125
Masculinity in the margins : women writing the Caribbean, pp. 127-158
"Dreamlands" : David Malouf and the nostalgia of homecoming, pp. 159-179
Identity, alterity, writing : "Songlines" by Bruce Chatwin, pp. 183-197
Postmodern anthropology in Clifford and Le Guin, pp. 199-216
Memories of identity : Conrad, Achebe and Naipaul, pp. 217-239
An omnivorous third point of view : Richard Wright on the Gold Coast, pp. 241-261

# Collocazione Prestabile Disponibilità  
IRCRES (TO) - CERIS Seminario: U2/04 Si Biblioteca
