Monografia, Moderno

Ruolo: Curatore

Britain and the Caribbean, pp. 13-36
France in the Caribbean, pp. 37-69
The Netherlands and the Dutch Caribbean : dilemmas of decolonisation, pp. 71-98
The European Community and the Caribbean : main dimensions and key issues, pp. 99-125
Spain and the Spanish–speaking Caribbean, pp. 127-148
The Soviet Union and the Caribbean, pp. 149-172
Britain and the Caribbean : A Caribbean perspective, pp. 173-186
The European Community and the Caribbean : a Caribbean perspective, pp. 187-199
Latin America and the non–hispanic Caribbean' European connection, pp. 200-221
Main themes in the US perception of Western Europe's role in the Caribbean, pp. 222-249
The future of Europe in the Caribbean, pp. 250-255

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IRCRES (TO) - CERIS Seminario: V2/42 Si Biblioteca
