Monografia, Moderno

Tongue and root, pp. 35-42
Crybaby, pp. 43-50
The rock melon, pp. 51-61
Before my mother became a Christian, pp. 62-68
QWERTYUIOP, pp. 69-72
Monologue, pp. 73-78
Fireworks, pp. 79-88
Philippa, pp. 89-95
Neighbours, pp. 96-107
Tropical attitudes at the christian funeral parlor strange meeting, pp. 108-114
A God drowns, a fire easter, pp. 115-117
Ria, pp. 118-125
Telling stories, expressing values : the Singapore novel in English, pp. 129-143
Something else or Meeting Mr Lee, pp. 146-149
Marcus and Elliot, pp. 150-158
Review of Peculiar Chris, pp. 159-161
An excerpt of Peculiar Chris, pp. 162-175
Reviews of A Malaysian Journey, pp. 176-179
An excerpt of A Malaysian Journey, pp. 180-183
Reviews of Green Is the colour, pp. 184-188
An excerpt of Green is the colour, pp. 189-196
Afterword to In a far country, pp. 197-203
Chapter 1 of In a far country, pp. 204-222
The Gospel according to Gopal, pp. 223-226
Karma, a short story : an excerpt of A Candle or the sun, pp. 227-240
An excerpt of Golden Dreams of Borneo, pp. 241-245
Cover story literature from Singapore in the 90s, pp. 246-248
Drive (excerpt form Stand Alone), pp. 249-259
Review of Gift from the Gods, pp. 260-262
An excerpt of Gift from the Gods, pp. 263-270
Love liberates, love rejuvenates : reviews of Basanti Karmar's love in the throes of Tradition, pp. 271-274
Introduction to Love in the throes of tradition, pp. 275
An excerpt of Love in the throes of tradition, pp. 276-285
An excerpt of Love's fearful passage, pp. 286-293
Cianjur and Nightjar, pp. 294-296
Review of Shirley Lim's nationalism and literature, pp. 297-300
A picnic in Malaya (an excerpt from Tigers and butterflies), pp. 303-312
The novels of F. S. Jose : protagonists in Spiritual exile, pp. 313-323
The Marcos years and after : a personal essay, pp. 325-335
Nobel Lecture 1993, pp. 343-350
1964 Nobel Prizewinner for Literature Politics & Literature : The writer & his language, pp. 353-365
Travels through Malysia : first conversations with Shafi : the journey out of paradise (excerpt from Among the believers; an Islamic Journey), pp. 369-387
The journey continues : heaven lake : An Eastward Loop (excerpts from From Heaven Lake, travels through Sinkiang and Tibet), pp. 388-407

# Collocazione Prestabile Disponibilità  
IRCRES (TO) - CERIS Seminario: V3/24 Si Biblioteca
