Monografia, Moderno

Ruolo: Curatore
Ruolo: Curatore

Derek Walcott's "Reversible world" : centers, peripheries, and the scale of nature, pp. 8-24
Creole language in the poetry of Derek Walcott, pp. 29-41
Of man and heroes : Walcott and the Haitian revolution, pp. 45-54
Through loins and coins : Derek Walcott's weaving of the West Indian Federation, pp. 60-74
"Images of Flight..." : "This time, Shabine, like you really gone", pp. 75-86
The privileges of being born in... a backward and underdeveloped society : Derek Walcott's prodigal provincialism, pp. 88-101
Imitation versus contestation : Walcott's postcolonial Shakespeare, pp. 104-113
Walcott's traveler and the problem of witness, pp. 117-128
"Still going on" : temporal adverbs and the view of the past in Walcott's poetry, pp. 132-145
Forgettable vacations and metaphor in ruins : Walcott's omeros, pp. 147-168
Walcott's intertextual method : non–Greek naming in Omeros, pp. 171-187
Playing with Europe : Derek Walcott's retelling of Homer's Odyssey, pp. 188-199
Derek Walcott's poetics of the environment in the "Bounty", pp. 201-215
"In God we trust" : Derek Walcott and God, pp. 216-223
Artist' self portraiture and self exploration in Derek Walcott's "Tiepolo's hound", pp. 224-235
Triangulation and the aesthetic of temporality in "Tiepolo's Hound", pp. 236-256

# Collocazione Prestabile Disponibilità  
IRCRES (TO) - CERIS Seminario: W2/14 Si Biblioteca
