Monografia, Moderno

Joining the literary konbit, pp. 317-320
Interview on the early history of Haiti, pp. 321-327
Interview with Jean Métellus, pp. 338-341
Interview with Anthony Phelps, pp. 381-383
Interview with Frankétienne, pp. 385-392
Interview with Lyonel Trouillot, pp. 403-406
Interview with Joël Des Rosiers, pp. 427-430
Interview with Jean–Claude Fignolé, pp. 435-439
Interview with Yanick Lahens, pp. 441-444
Interview with Jan J. Dominique, pp. 452-454
Interview with Erma Saint–Grégoire, pp. 462-467
Interview with Gérard Etienne, pp. 498-500
Interview with Robert Berrouët–Oriol, pp. 518-521
Interview with Georges Castera, pp. 528-530
Interview with Syto Cavé, pp. 538-541
Interview with Roger Dorsinville, pp. 542-545
Interview with René Depestre, pp. 550-554

# Collocazione Prestabile Disponibilità  
IRCRES (TO) - CERIS Seminario: W1/14 Si Biblioteca
