Monografia, Moderno

Ruolo: Curatore
Ruolo: Curatore

Beyond island boundaries : ethnicity, gender, and cultural revitalization in Nuyorican literature, pp. 978-998
"It's a street thing" : an interview with Charlie Chase, pp. 999-1021
From New York to the world : an interview with Tato Laviera, pp. 1022-1033
Neither here not there... yet, pp. 1034-1038
Embattled scholars in the academy : a shared odyssey, pp. 1039-1052
Clare Kendry's "True" colors : race and class conflict in Nella Larsen's "Passing", pp. 1053-1065
Marketable bodies, possessive peacocks, and text as excess, pp. 1066-1084
Proverbial wisdom about women, pp. 1085-1086
Afro–American exiles and the French connection, pp. 1087-1089
Gender, language and African women's writing, pp. 1090-1092
Black writers in two hemispheres, pp. 1093-1094
Literature and politics in Africa, pp. 1095-1097
Theatre, politics and culture : a Kenyan experience, pp. 1098-1099
Order and disorder in Caribbean thought and literature, pp. 1100-1101
Craveirinha, Mozambique's National poet, analyzed, pp. 1102
Of critical muddles, pp. 1103-1104
The father figure in Tahar Ben Jelloun "La nuit Sacrée, Jour de Silence à Tanger and Les Yeux Baissés", pp. 1105-1109
The novels of Tierno Monenembo "A world in disintegration", pp. 1110-1112

# Collocazione Prestabile Disponibilità  
IRCRES (TO) - CERIS Seminario: W1/16 Si Biblioteca
