Lucille Clifton and Sonia Sanchez : a convesation, pp. 1038-1074
Colored dispatches from the uzbek border Langston Hughes' Relevance, 1933–2002, pp. 1115-1135
Langston Hughes + poetry= the blues, pp. 1140-1143
Listening to what the ear demands : Langston Hughes and his critics, pp. 1145-1175
Natural and unnatural circustances in Langston Hughes' «Not without laughter», pp. 1177-1187
Modernism in the black diaspora : Langston Hughes and the broken cubes of picasso, pp. 1189-1205
Africa/America : fragmentation and diaspora in the work of Langston Hughes, pp. 1207-1223
«Don't say goodbye to the porkpie hat» : Langston Hughes, the left, and the black arts movement, pp. 1225-1236
«Been shapin words T fim M soul» : cane, language, and social change, pp. 1238-1249
The poetics of conjecture : countee Cullen's subversive exemplarity, pp. 1250-1271
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IRCRES (TO) - CERIS | Seminario: W2/05 | Si | Biblioteca |