Monografia, Moderno

Ruolo: Curatore

The rival to the Río Grande of Loíza : an interview with Juan Isidro Jimenez Grullón, pp. 684-693
An interview with Don Juan Bosch, pp. 694-700
"I am the life, the strength, the woman" : feminism in Julias de Burgos' autobiographical poetry, pp. 701-714
The infinite variety of the Puerto Rican reality : an interview with Judith Ortiz Cofer, pp. 730-742
Whose legacy? : voicing women's rights from the 1870s to the 1930s, pp. 770-789
Women and writing in Puerto Rico : an interview with Ana Lydia Vega, pp. 816-825
We are (not) in this together : the Caribbean imaginary in "Encancaranublado" by Ana Lydia Vega, pp. 826-833
Literature/journalism : the Frontier : an inteview with Magali García Ramis, pp. 862-869
Rosario Ferré's "The youngest doll" : on women, dolls, golems and cyborgs, pp. 878-888
Visual language and the Puerto Rican woman artist, pp. 905-908
Art, self–portraiture, and the body : a case of contemporary women's art in Puerto Rico, pp. 913-915
Contested territory : Puerto Rican women, Creole identity, and intellectual life in the Early Twentieth Century, pp. 916-934

# Collocazione Prestabile Disponibilità  
IRCRES (TO) - CERIS Seminario: W1/21 Si Biblioteca
