Monografia, Moderno

Ruolo: Curatore

From brothers and keepers to two cities : social and cultural consciousness, art and imagination : an interview with John Edgar Wideman, pp. 568-584
Opening of the symposium in tours, pp. 587-593
Mother goose and brother loon : the fairy–tales–in–the–tales as vehicle of displacement, pp. 594-602
Philadelphia fire, or the shape of a city, pp. 603-613
Brother figures : the rift and riff in John E. Wideman's fiction, pp. 615-622
«Do not fall asleep in your enemy's dream» : ohn Edgar Wideman and the predicaments of prophecy, pp. 623-628
«All stories are true» : prophecy, history and story in «The cattle killing», pp. 629-643
Of ballons in John Edgar Wideman, pp. 645-655
From slavers to drunken boats : a thirty–year palimpesest in John Edgar Wideman's fiction, pp. 656-664
«Mask to mask. The 'real' joke» : surfiction/autofiction, or the tale of the purloined watermelon, pp. 659-712
«The benefit of the doubt» : openness and clousure in Brothers and keepers, pp. 665-675
Prodigal and prodigy : fathers and sons in Wideman's work, pp. 677-684
«These strange dizzy pauses» : silence as common ground in J. E. Wideman's text, pp. 685-694
John Edgar Wideman's «Fever», pp. 715-726
The negotiation of remembrance in «Across the wide Missouri», pp. 727-739
The silent man's voice in «The statue of liberty», pp. 740-749
John Edgar Wideman : a bibliography of primary and secondary souces, pp. 750-757

# Collocazione Prestabile Disponibilità  
IRCRES (TO) - CERIS Seminario: W1/41 Si Biblioteca
