Ruolo: Ricercatore
Ruolo: Ricercatore
Ruolo: Ricercatore
Préface, pp. 11-12
Patrimoines culturels et méditerranéité immatérielle, pp. 13-25
Les savoirs et les guimbardes : notes sur les «biens immatériels», pp. 29-42
For a Culture of Peace : re–thinking our Idea of Culture, pp. 43-50
Pour une écologie de la tradition : le patrimoine dans la dimension interculturelle, pp. 51-64
Educational, didactic and training Programmes for the Knowledge and the study of the non–material Culture in Egypt, pp. 65-72
Monitoring and Reducing Ignorance about the Religion of the «Others», pp. 73-78
Cultures as Gift to ANother, pp. 79-82
Exotism and «Otherness» in European Music : «Musical arbism», Arte and Science, pp. 83-102
Prolégomènes à l'imaginaire et a l'étude des mythes, pp. 103-112
De l'immatérialité des objects, pp. 113-120
Un lieu de mémoire et sa perspective muséologique, pp. 121-126
Le catalogage des biens immatériels démo–ethno–anthropologiques en Italie et la fiche Bia du Centre de Documentation de la Région du Latium, pp. 127-146
Le Conte : usages et perspectives : projet éducatif «Sanak Conte» : appliqué dans écoles marocaines, pp. 149-166
Cultural Heritage as represented in the non–material products of folklore : what does the language of folktales reveal about culture?, pp. 167-176
Hostory of Peace : can Festivals contribute?, pp. 177-184
Comment costituer une tradition? Les cas des chants et des musiques populaires en Algérie, pp. 185-200
Éléments d'analyse de la musique arabe et maghrébine, pp. 201-214
Intangible culture : Festivals, exhibitions and cultural exchanges about music, dancing, popular traditions and folklore of Mediterranean countries, pp. 215-228
Non material Culture as a tourist Resource, pp. 229-236
Educational programs, cultural exchanges and tourist–oriented activities regarding non–material folk culture : the case of the Greek Dances Theater in Athens, pp. 237-246
Intangible cultural Heritage as a Resource for the Development of Tourism, pp. 247-258
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IRCRES (TO) - CERIS | Seminario: DDD3/05 | Si | Biblioteca |