
Monografia (1954) Cybernétique et société : cybernetics and society : (the human use of human beings) : traduit de l'anglais
Monografia (1963) Nerve, brain and memory models : [this volume contains a series of lectures delivered during a Symposium on Cybernetics on the Nervous System wich was held as part of the Second International Meeting of Medical Cybernetics at the Royal Academy of Sciences at Amsterdam from 16–18 April, 1962. The organization of the symposium was partly supported by grants from the Netherlands Government, Philips (Eindhoven , The Netherlands ), I.B.M. (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Electrologica (The Hague, The Netherlands )]
Monografia (1965) Cybernetics of the nervous system
Monografia (1966) Introduzione alla cibernetica : [l'uso umano degli esseri umani]
Monografia (1966) Nonlinear problems in random theory
Monografia (1969) La fisica della mente
Monografia (1969) Survey of cybernetics : a tribute to Dr. Norbert Wiener