Monografia (1956) Organization of the federal government for scientific activities
Monografia (1958) Liquid scintillation counting : proceedings of a conference held at Northwestern University, August 20–22, 1957
Monografia (1959) The structure of electrolytic solutions
Monografia (1961) A symposium on light and life
Monografia (1963) Informational macromolecules : a symposium held at the Institute of Microbiology of Rutgers, the State University
Monografia (1965) Evolving genes and proteins : a symposium held at the Institute of Microbiology of Rutgers, the State University : with support from the National Science Foundation
Monografia (1966) Bioluminescence in progress : proceeding of the Luminescence conference : sponsored by the Japan Society for the promotion of science and by the National Science Foundation, under the United States–Japan Cooperative science program, September 12–16, 1965, Hakone National Park, Kanagawa–ken, Japan
Monografia (1967) Organizational biosynthesis : a symposium held at the Institute of Microbiology of Rutgers, The State University
Monografia (1967) Stereology : proceedings of the second International Congress for stereology, Chicago, April 8–13, 1967
Monografia (1969) Weather modification : tenth annual report for fiscal year ended June 30, 1968
Monografia (1976) Fourth international congress for stereology : proceedings of the Fourth International Congress for Stereology held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, U.S.A., September 4–9, 1975
Monografia (1976) Optical information processing : [proceedings of the US–USSR Science Corporation seminar on Optical Information Processing, sponsored by The National Science Foundation held, in Washington, D. C., June 16–20, 1975]
Monografia (1981) Hydrogen effects in metals : proceedings of the Third International Conference on Effect of Hydrogen on Behavior of Materials, sponsored by the Physical Metallurgy and Mechanical Metallurgy Committees of the Metallurgical Society of AIME, the National Science Foundation, and the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Moran, Wyoming, August 26–31, 1980
Monografia (1990) Investing in the future : an international comparison of government funding of academic and related research
National Science Foundation