Monografia (1941) [1]: Papers presented at a Symposium held in New York City, November, 1939
Monografia (1941) [1]: Papers presented at a Symposium held in New York City, November, 1939
Monografia (1942) Polarimetry, saccharimetry and the sugars : circular of the National Bureau of Standards C440 : supersedes circular C44
Monografia (1950) Nuclear data : a collection of experimental values of half–lives, radiation energies, relative isotopic abundances, nuclear moments, and cross sections
Monografia (1951) Nuclear data : a collection of experimental values of half–lives, radiation energies, relative isotopic abundances, nuclear moments, and cross sections
Monografia (1952) Tables of Chebyshev Polynomials Sn(x) and Cn(x)
Monografia (1953) Mass spectroscopy in physics research : proceedings of the NBS Semicentennial Symposium on mass spectroscopy in physics research, held at the NBS on September 6, 7, and 8, 1951
Monografia (1955) Vol. 2: Papers presented at the Third Symposium on Temperature, Washignton, D. C., October 28–30, 1954
Monografia (1969) Ion–selective electrodes : proceedings of a Symposium held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, January 30–31, 1969
Monografia (1969) Symposium on the coupling of basic and applied corrosion research : a dialogue : March 21–22, 1966, Washington D. C. and Gaithersburg, Md.
Monografia (1972) Materials in the sea : program and abstracts : third International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling : National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, October 2–6, 1972
Monografia (1976) Fourth international congress for stereology : proceedings of the Fourth International Congress for Stereology held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, U.S.A., September 4–9, 1975
Monografia (1983) SOFTFAIR : a Conference on Software Development Tools, Techniques, and Alternatives : Hyatt Regency, Crystal City (Washington, D.C., Area), Arlington, Virginia : July 25–28, 1983
Monografia (1986) Biologically induced corrosion : proceedings of the International Conference on Biologically Induced Corrosion : June 10–12, 1985 Gaithersburg, Maryland
National Bureau of Standards