Monografia (1958) Nomenclature of organic chemistry : July 1957
Monografia (1958) Proceedings of the International Symposium on transport processes in statistical mechanics held in Brussels, August 27–31, 1956
Monografia (1959) Hydrogen bonding : papers presented at the Symposium on Hydrogen Bonding held at Ljubljana, 29 July–3 August 1957
Monografia (1964) Nomenclatura di chimica organica : regole definitive per sezione A: idrocarburi, Sezione B: Sistemi eterociclici fondamentali : elaborate dalla commissione per la nomenclatura di chimica organica : regole definitive di nomenclatura degli steroidi elaborate dalla Commissione per la nomenclatura di chimica organica e nomenclatura di chimica biologica : luglio 1957
Monografia (1964) Thermodynamics and thermochemistry : plenary lectures presented at the Symposium on Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry held in Lund, Sweden, 18–23 July, 1963
Monografia (1965) Molecular spectroscopy–VIII : invited lectures presented at the VIIIth European congress on molecular spectroscopy held in Copenhagen, Denmark, 14–20 August, 1965
Monografia (1965) XXth International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry : congress lectures presented in Moscow, U.S.S.R., 12–18 July, 1965
Monografia (1970) Air pollution : plenary lectures and selected short communications presented at the International Symposium on the Chemical Aspects of Air Pollution held in Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy, 9–10 July 1969
Monografia (1970) Organometallic chemistry : plenary lectures presented at the fourth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry held at Bristol, U.K. 28 July–1 August 1969
Monografia (1974) XXIVth International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry : plenary and main section lectures presented at Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, September 2–8, 1973