The Construction of Bounded Irregular Pyramids with a Union–Find Decimation Process
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The Bounded Irregular Pyramid (BIP) is a mixture of regular and irregular pyramids whose goal is to combine their advantages. Thus, its data structure combines a regular decimation process with a union–find strategy to build the successive levels of the structure. The irregular part of the BIP allows to solve the main problems of regular structures: their inability to preserve connectivity or to represent elongated objects. On the other hand, the BIP is computationally efficient because its height is constrained by its regular part. In this paper the features of the Bounded Irregular Pyramid are discussed, presenting a comparison with the main pyramids present in the literature when applied to a colour segmentation task
# | Istituto/Sede | Collocazione | Inventario patrimoniale |
Area della ricerca di Genova, Servizio di Documentazione Scientifica | Sede di Genova |