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© 2020 The Authors. Biotechnology Progress published by Wiley Periodicals LLC. on behalf of American Institute of Chemical Engineers.Events of viral contaminations occurring during the production of biopharmaceuticals have been publicly reported by the biopharmaceutical industry. Upstream raw materials were often identified as the potential source of contamination. Viral contamination risk can be mitigated by inactivating or eliminating potential viruses of cell culture media and feed solutions. Different methods can be used alone or in combination on raw materials, cell culture media, or feed solutions such as viral inactivation technologies consisting mainly of high temperature short time, ultraviolet irradiation, and gamma radiation technologies or such as viral removal technology for instance nanofiltration. The aim of this review is to present the principle, the advantages, and the challenges of high temperature short time (HTST) technology. Here, we reviewed effectiveness of HTST treatment and its impact on media (filterability of media, degradation of components), on process performance (cell growth, cell metabolism, productivity), and product quality based on knowledge shared in the literature.