Lingua: Italiano
Paese: Italia
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In this paper the effect of the statistical properties of the ganglion cell discharge on the transfer characteristics of the cat's retinal sensory system is studied. On the basis of results reported by the literature; a mathematical model of the system is defined. The model is then studied by digital computer, to obtain the amplitude of its response to sinusoidal stimulation as a function of frequency. 'I'he results show that, as the discharge is not Poisson–like, a positive resonance exists between stimulus anel discharge at stimulus frequencies whose period is of the same order as, or smaller than the mean interval of the discharge. The amplitude of the resonance is a function of the statistical parameters of the discharge. These results fit well experiments recently carried out.
# | Istituto/Sede | Collocazione | Inventario patrimoniale |
Area della ricerca di Pisa, Biblioteca e Centro di Documentazione | Sede di Pisa |