Lecture notes in computer science
Mostra tutti i 66 titoli....
Matrix Eigensystem routines : EISPACK guide ; 6
Optimization techniques : IFIP Technical Conference : Novosibirsk, July 1–7, 1974 ; 27
Pictorial information systems ; 80
Net theory and applications : proceedings of the Advance course on general net theory of processes and systems, Hamburg, October 8–19, 1979 ; 84
Computer aided design modelling, systems engineering, CAD–systems : CREST Advanced Course : Darmstadt, 8–19 September 1980 ; 89
The programming language Ada reference manual : American National Standards Institute, Inc. ANSI/MIL–STD–1815A–1983 : approved 17 February 1983 ; 155
The design of dynamic data structures ; 156
TAPSOFT '87 : proceedings of the International joint conference on theory and practice of software development : Pisa, Italy, March 23–27, 1987 ; 249–250
Vol. 1: Advanced seminar on foundations of innovative software development I and Colloquium on trees in algebra and programming (CAAP '87) ; 249
Vol. 2: Advanced seminar on foundations of innovative software development II and Colloquium on functional and logic programming and specifications (CFLP) ; 250
Advances in database technology : EDBT '88 : International conference on extending database technology, Venice, Italy, March 14–18, 1988 ; 303
Computational geometry and its applications : CG '88, International Workshop on Computational Geometry : Würzburg, FRG, March 24–25, 1988 : proceedings ; 333
Efficient structures for geometric data management ; 337
Computer assisted learning : 2nd International Conference, ICCAL '89 : Dallas, TX, USA, May 9–11, 1989 : proceedings ; 360
PARLE '89 : parallel architectures and languages Europe : Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 12–16, 1989 : proceedings ; 365–366
Vol. 1: Parallel architectures ; 365
Vol. 2: Parallel languages ; 366
Foundations of data organization and algorithms : 3rd international conference, FODO 1989 : Paris, France, June 21–23, 1989 : proceedings ; 367
Algorithms for parallel polygon rendering ; 373
Geometry and robotics : workshop, Toulouse, France, May 26–28, 1988 : proceedings ; 391
Concrete and abstract Voronoi diagrams ; 400
Computer vision, ECCV '90 : first European conference on computer vision : Antibes, France, April 23–27, 1990 : proceedings ; 427
Design and implementation of symbolic computation systems : International Symposium DISCO '90 : Capri, Italy, April 10–12, 1990 : proceedings ; 429
Computer assisted learning : 4th International Conference, ICCAL '92 : Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 17–20, 1992 : proceedings ; 602
Theories and methods of spatio–temporal reasoning in geographic space : International Conference GIS, From Space to Territory: Theories and Methods of Spatio–Temporal Reasoning : Pisa, Italy, September 21–23, 1992 : proceedings ; 639
Design and implementation of symbolic computation systems : International symposium, DISCO '92 : Bath, U.K., April 13–15, 1992 : proceedings ; 721
Object–oriented methodologies and systems : International Symposium, ISOOMS '94 : Palermo, Italy, September 21–22, 1994 : proceedings ; 858
High–performance computing and networking : International conference and exhibition, Milan, Italy, May 3–5, 1995 : Proceedings ; 919
Image analysis and processing : 8th International Conference, ICIAP '95 : San Remo, Italy, September 13–15, 1995 : proceedings ; 974
High–performance computing and networking : International Conference and Exhibition, HPCN EUROPE 1996, Brussels, Belgium, April 15–19, 1996 : Proceedings ; 1067
Intelligent tutoring systems : 3. international conference, ITS '96 : Montreal, Canada, June 12–14, 1996 : proceedings ; 1086
Computer aided learning and instruction in science and engineering : third international conference, CALISCE '96 : San Sebastian, Spain, July 29–31, 1996 : proceedings ; 1108
Parallel computation : 3. International ACPC Conference with special emphasis on parallel databases and parallel IO, Klagenfurt, Austria, September 23–25, 1996 : Proceedings ; 1127
Recent advances in parallel virtual machine and message passing interface : 4. European PVMMPI Users' Group Meeting, Cracow, Poland, November 3–5, 1997 : Proceedings ; 1332
Recent advances in parallel virtual machine and message passing interface : 5. European PVMMPI User's Group Meeting, Liverpool, UK, September 7–9, 1998 : Proceedings ; 1497
Applied parallel computing : large scale scientific and industrial problem : 4. International Workshop, PARA '98, Umeå, Sweden, June 14–17, 1998 : Proceedings ; 1541
Interoperating geographic information systems : 2. International Conference, INTEROP'99, Zürich, Switzerland, March 10–12, 1999 : Proceedings ; 1580
Database and Expert Systems Applications : 10. International Conference, DEXA '99 Florence, Italy August 30 – September 3, 1999 : Proceedings ; 1677
Recent advances in parallel virtual machine and message passing interface : 6. European PVMMPI Users' Group Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, September 26–29, 1999 : Proceedings ; 1697
Discrete geometry for computer imagery : 9. international conference, DGCI 2000, Uppsala, Sweden, December 2000 : Proceedings ; 1953
Hybrid systems: Computation and control : 4. International Workshop HSCC 2001, Rome, Italy, March 28–30, 2001 : proceedings ; 2034
High–performance computing and networking : 9. international conference, HPCN Europe, 2001, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 25–27, 2001 : Proceedings ; 2110
Mathematics of surfaces : 10th IMA International Conference : Leeds, UK, September 15–17, 2003 : proceedings ; 2768
Recent advances in parallel virtual machine and message passing interface : 10. European PVMMPI User's group Meeting, Venice, Italy, September–October 2003 : Proceedings ; 2840
Discrete geometry for computer imagery : 11. international conference, DGCI 2003, Naples, Italy, November 19–21, 2003 : Proceedings ; 2886
Advances in Web–based learning, ICWL 2004 : third International conference : Beijing, China, August 8–11, 2004 : proceedings ; 3143
Reasoning web : first international summer school 2005 : Msida, Malta, July 25–29, 2005 : tutorial lectures ; 3564
Human–computer interaction, INTERACT 2005 : IFIP TC13 International conference : Rome, Italy, September 12–16, 2005 : proceedings ; 3585
Part 1 ; 3760
On the move to meaningful Internet systems 2005 : CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE : OTM Confederated International Conferences CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE 2005 : October 31–November 4, 2005 : proceedings ; 3760–3761
Part 2 ; 3761
On the move to meaningful internet systems 2005 : OTM 2005 workshops : OTM confederated international workshops and posters : AWeSOMe, CAMS, GADA, MIOS+INTEROP, ORM, PhDS, SeBGIS, SWWS, and WOSE 2005 : Agia Napa, Cyprus, October 31–November 4, 2005 : proceedings ; 3762
Image analysis and recognition : third international conference, ICIAR 2006 : Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, September 18–20, 2006 : proceedings ; 4141–4142
Part 1 ; 4141
Part 2 ; 4142
Innovative Approaches for Learning and Knowledge Sharing : 1. European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC–TEL 2006, Crete, Greece, October 1–4, 2006 : Proceedings ; 4227
Part 1 ; 4275
On the move to meaningful Internet systems 2006 : CoopIS, DOA, GADA, and ODBASE : OTM Confederated International Conferences, CoopIS, DOA, GADA, and ODBASE 2006 : Montpellier, France, October 29–November 3, 2006 : proceedings ; 4275–4276
Part 2 ; 4276
Part 1 ; 4277
On the move to meaningful internet systems 2006: OTM 2006 workshops : OTM Confederated international workshops and Posters, AWeSOMe, CAMS, COMINF, IS, KSinBIT, MIOS–CIAO, MONET, OnToContent, ORM, PerSys, OTM Academy Doctoral Consortium, RDDS, SWWS, and SeBGIS 2006 : Montpellier, France, October 29–November 3, 2006 : proceedings ; 4277–4278
Part 2 ; 4278
Semantic multimedia : first International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies, SAMT 2006 : Athens, Greece, December 6–8, 2006 : proceedings ; 4306
Graph–based representations in pattern recognition : 6th IAPR–TC–15 International Workshop, GbRPR 2007 : Alicante, Spain, June 11–13, 2007 : proceedings ; 4538
Creating new learning experiences on a global scale : second European Conference on technology enhanced learning, EC–TEL : 2007 Crete, Greece, September 2007 : proceedings ; 4753
Modelling the physiological human : 3D physiological human workshop, 3DPH : Zermatt, Switzerland, November 29–December 2, 2009 : proceedings ; 5903
Optimization techniques : IFIP Technical Conference : Novosibirsk, July 1–7, 1974 ; 27
Pictorial information systems ; 80
Net theory and applications : proceedings of the Advance course on general net theory of processes and systems, Hamburg, October 8–19, 1979 ; 84
Computer aided design modelling, systems engineering, CAD–systems : CREST Advanced Course : Darmstadt, 8–19 September 1980 ; 89
The programming language Ada reference manual : American National Standards Institute, Inc. ANSI/MIL–STD–1815A–1983 : approved 17 February 1983 ; 155
The design of dynamic data structures ; 156
TAPSOFT '87 : proceedings of the International joint conference on theory and practice of software development : Pisa, Italy, March 23–27, 1987 ; 249–250
Vol. 1: Advanced seminar on foundations of innovative software development I and Colloquium on trees in algebra and programming (CAAP '87) ; 249
Vol. 2: Advanced seminar on foundations of innovative software development II and Colloquium on functional and logic programming and specifications (CFLP) ; 250
Advances in database technology : EDBT '88 : International conference on extending database technology, Venice, Italy, March 14–18, 1988 ; 303
Computational geometry and its applications : CG '88, International Workshop on Computational Geometry : Würzburg, FRG, March 24–25, 1988 : proceedings ; 333
Efficient structures for geometric data management ; 337
Computer assisted learning : 2nd International Conference, ICCAL '89 : Dallas, TX, USA, May 9–11, 1989 : proceedings ; 360
PARLE '89 : parallel architectures and languages Europe : Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 12–16, 1989 : proceedings ; 365–366
Vol. 1: Parallel architectures ; 365
Vol. 2: Parallel languages ; 366
Foundations of data organization and algorithms : 3rd international conference, FODO 1989 : Paris, France, June 21–23, 1989 : proceedings ; 367
Algorithms for parallel polygon rendering ; 373
Geometry and robotics : workshop, Toulouse, France, May 26–28, 1988 : proceedings ; 391
Concrete and abstract Voronoi diagrams ; 400
Computer vision, ECCV '90 : first European conference on computer vision : Antibes, France, April 23–27, 1990 : proceedings ; 427
Design and implementation of symbolic computation systems : International Symposium DISCO '90 : Capri, Italy, April 10–12, 1990 : proceedings ; 429
Computer assisted learning : 4th International Conference, ICCAL '92 : Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 17–20, 1992 : proceedings ; 602
Theories and methods of spatio–temporal reasoning in geographic space : International Conference GIS, From Space to Territory: Theories and Methods of Spatio–Temporal Reasoning : Pisa, Italy, September 21–23, 1992 : proceedings ; 639
Design and implementation of symbolic computation systems : International symposium, DISCO '92 : Bath, U.K., April 13–15, 1992 : proceedings ; 721
Object–oriented methodologies and systems : International Symposium, ISOOMS '94 : Palermo, Italy, September 21–22, 1994 : proceedings ; 858
High–performance computing and networking : International conference and exhibition, Milan, Italy, May 3–5, 1995 : Proceedings ; 919
Image analysis and processing : 8th International Conference, ICIAP '95 : San Remo, Italy, September 13–15, 1995 : proceedings ; 974
High–performance computing and networking : International Conference and Exhibition, HPCN EUROPE 1996, Brussels, Belgium, April 15–19, 1996 : Proceedings ; 1067
Intelligent tutoring systems : 3. international conference, ITS '96 : Montreal, Canada, June 12–14, 1996 : proceedings ; 1086
Computer aided learning and instruction in science and engineering : third international conference, CALISCE '96 : San Sebastian, Spain, July 29–31, 1996 : proceedings ; 1108
Parallel computation : 3. International ACPC Conference with special emphasis on parallel databases and parallel IO, Klagenfurt, Austria, September 23–25, 1996 : Proceedings ; 1127
Recent advances in parallel virtual machine and message passing interface : 4. European PVMMPI Users' Group Meeting, Cracow, Poland, November 3–5, 1997 : Proceedings ; 1332
Recent advances in parallel virtual machine and message passing interface : 5. European PVMMPI User's Group Meeting, Liverpool, UK, September 7–9, 1998 : Proceedings ; 1497
Applied parallel computing : large scale scientific and industrial problem : 4. International Workshop, PARA '98, Umeå, Sweden, June 14–17, 1998 : Proceedings ; 1541
Interoperating geographic information systems : 2. International Conference, INTEROP'99, Zürich, Switzerland, March 10–12, 1999 : Proceedings ; 1580
Database and Expert Systems Applications : 10. International Conference, DEXA '99 Florence, Italy August 30 – September 3, 1999 : Proceedings ; 1677
Recent advances in parallel virtual machine and message passing interface : 6. European PVMMPI Users' Group Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, September 26–29, 1999 : Proceedings ; 1697
Discrete geometry for computer imagery : 9. international conference, DGCI 2000, Uppsala, Sweden, December 2000 : Proceedings ; 1953
Hybrid systems: Computation and control : 4. International Workshop HSCC 2001, Rome, Italy, March 28–30, 2001 : proceedings ; 2034
High–performance computing and networking : 9. international conference, HPCN Europe, 2001, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 25–27, 2001 : Proceedings ; 2110
Mathematics of surfaces : 10th IMA International Conference : Leeds, UK, September 15–17, 2003 : proceedings ; 2768
Recent advances in parallel virtual machine and message passing interface : 10. European PVMMPI User's group Meeting, Venice, Italy, September–October 2003 : Proceedings ; 2840
Discrete geometry for computer imagery : 11. international conference, DGCI 2003, Naples, Italy, November 19–21, 2003 : Proceedings ; 2886
Advances in Web–based learning, ICWL 2004 : third International conference : Beijing, China, August 8–11, 2004 : proceedings ; 3143
Reasoning web : first international summer school 2005 : Msida, Malta, July 25–29, 2005 : tutorial lectures ; 3564
Human–computer interaction, INTERACT 2005 : IFIP TC13 International conference : Rome, Italy, September 12–16, 2005 : proceedings ; 3585
Part 1 ; 3760
On the move to meaningful Internet systems 2005 : CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE : OTM Confederated International Conferences CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE 2005 : October 31–November 4, 2005 : proceedings ; 3760–3761
Part 2 ; 3761
On the move to meaningful internet systems 2005 : OTM 2005 workshops : OTM confederated international workshops and posters : AWeSOMe, CAMS, GADA, MIOS+INTEROP, ORM, PhDS, SeBGIS, SWWS, and WOSE 2005 : Agia Napa, Cyprus, October 31–November 4, 2005 : proceedings ; 3762
Image analysis and recognition : third international conference, ICIAR 2006 : Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, September 18–20, 2006 : proceedings ; 4141–4142
Part 1 ; 4141
Part 2 ; 4142
Innovative Approaches for Learning and Knowledge Sharing : 1. European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC–TEL 2006, Crete, Greece, October 1–4, 2006 : Proceedings ; 4227
Part 1 ; 4275
On the move to meaningful Internet systems 2006 : CoopIS, DOA, GADA, and ODBASE : OTM Confederated International Conferences, CoopIS, DOA, GADA, and ODBASE 2006 : Montpellier, France, October 29–November 3, 2006 : proceedings ; 4275–4276
Part 2 ; 4276
Part 1 ; 4277
On the move to meaningful internet systems 2006: OTM 2006 workshops : OTM Confederated international workshops and Posters, AWeSOMe, CAMS, COMINF, IS, KSinBIT, MIOS–CIAO, MONET, OnToContent, ORM, PerSys, OTM Academy Doctoral Consortium, RDDS, SWWS, and SeBGIS 2006 : Montpellier, France, October 29–November 3, 2006 : proceedings ; 4277–4278
Part 2 ; 4278
Semantic multimedia : first International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies, SAMT 2006 : Athens, Greece, December 6–8, 2006 : proceedings ; 4306
Graph–based representations in pattern recognition : 6th IAPR–TC–15 International Workshop, GbRPR 2007 : Alicante, Spain, June 11–13, 2007 : proceedings ; 4538
Creating new learning experiences on a global scale : second European Conference on technology enhanced learning, EC–TEL : 2007 Crete, Greece, September 2007 : proceedings ; 4753
Modelling the physiological human : 3D physiological human workshop, 3DPH : Zermatt, Switzerland, November 29–December 2, 2009 : proceedings ; 5903