Periodo: (1960–....)
Lingua: Inglese
Paese: Austria
Ruolo: Curatore
Periodo: (1925–2013)
Identification GÇö Inverse problems for partial differential equations: A stochastic formulation, pp. 1
Supporting multiparadigm programming on actor architectures, pp. 1
The cache coherence protocol of the Data Diffusion Machine, pp. 1
On the complexity of branching programs and decision trees for clique functions, pp. 1
Key problems in the theory of centralized interaction of economic systems, pp. 13
Average complexity of additive properties for multiway tries: A unified approach, pp. 13
Some statements and ways of solving dynamic optimization problems under uncertainty, pp. 18
Universal mechanisms for concurrency, pp. 19
Multiple tuple spaces in Linda, pp. 20
A new algorithm for Gauss Markov identification, pp. 22
Longest common factor of two words, pp. 26
On optimality criteria in identification problems, pp. 28
Experiments in mimd parallelism, pp. 28
Serial multiport memory multiprocessors, pp. 34
Nonstationary processes for mathematical programming problems under the conditions of poorly formalized constraints and incomplete defining information, pp. 37
An unification semi–algorithm for intersection type schemes, pp. 37
Dynamic models of technological changes, pp. 42
GTS: Extracting full parallelism out of DO loops, pp. 43
Identification and control for linear dynamic systems of unknown order, pp. 48
Modeling and analysis of multiprocessor systems with priority and multiple resources allocation to the tasks, pp. 52
Optimal run time optimization proved by a new look at abstract interpretations, pp. 52
Dataflow analysis of term graph rewriting systems, pp. 55
Group choice and extremal problems in the analysis of qualitative attributes, pp. 56
Studies in modelling and identification of distributed parameter systems, pp. 62
Transformation ordering, pp. 69
Achieving low cost synchronization in a multiprocessor system, pp. 70
Towards a theory of simulation for verification of concurrent systems, pp. 73
On parametric algebraic specifications with clean error handling, pp. 81
The Synchronous Dataflow MAchine: Architecture and performance, pp. 85
Recursive solutions to indirect sensing measurement problems by a generalized innovations approach, pp. 86
Eliminating redundant interleavings during concurrent program verification, pp. 89
Toward formal development of programs from algebraic specifications: Implementations revisited, pp. 96
A system of models of output renewal, pp. 98
The lady programming environment for distributed operating systems, pp. 100
Bilinear social and biological control systems, pp. 103
Dataflow programs for parallel computations of logic programs and their semantics, pp. 104
A problem from the theory of observability, pp. 111
Finite algebraic specifications of semicomputable data types, pp. 111
RAPiD a data flow model for implementing parallelism and intelligent backtracking in logic programs, pp. 115
Some questions of the modelling of complex chemical systems, pp. 116
A static scheduling system for a parallel machine (<i>SM</i>)<sup>2</sup>–II, pp. 118
Evaluation model of humanistic systems by fuzzy multiple integral and fuzzy correlation, pp. 121
On the semantics of concurrency: Partial orders and transition systems, pp. 123
Penalty function method and necessary optimum conditions in optimal control problems with bounded state variables, pp. 128
Pruning and scheduling speculative work in or–parallel Prolog, pp. 133
Multilevel optimal control of interconnected distributed parameter systems, pp. 134
Distributed implementation of programmed graph reduction, pp. 136
CCS without ¤ä's, pp. 138
Time optimal control problem for differential inclusions, pp. 147
Performance analysis of a Parallel Prolog: A correlated approach, pp. 151
Application of maximum principle for optimization of pseudo–stationary catalytic processes with changing activity, pp. 153
A fully observational model for infinite behaviours of communicating systems, pp. 153
Approximate solution of optimal control problems using third order hermite polynomial functions, pp. 158
Parallel object–oriented descriptions of graph reduction machines, pp. 158
Visual concurrent object–based programming in GARP, pp. 165
Optimal stabilization of the distributed parameter systems, pp. 167
SMoLCS–driven concurrent calculi, pp. 169
About one problem of synthesis of optimum control by thermal conduction process, pp. 173
MaRS, a combinator graph reduction multiprocessor, pp. 176
About the problem of synthesis of optimum control by elastic oscillations, pp. 179
Parle: A parallel target language for integrating symbolic and numeric processing, pp. 181
On the partitioning problem in the synthesis of multilevel optimization structures, pp. 184
On the problem of an optimal three–dimensional aircraft motion, pp. 193
High–performance parallel graph reduction, pp. 193
A general stochastic equation for the non–linear filtering problem, pp. 198
A method for refining atomicity in parallel algorithms, pp. 199
Parameterized horn clause specifications: Proof theory and correctness, pp. 202
On sufficiency of the necessary optimality of L.S. pontryagin's maximum principle analogues type, pp. 205
An efficient distributed garbage collection algorithm, pp. 207
On final stopping time problems, pp. 210
Equilibrium and perturbations in plasma–vacuum systems, pp. 212
Comparing two fully abstract dataflow models, pp. 217
Partial composition and recursion of module specifications, pp. 217
Sufficient conditions for absolute minimum of the maximal functional in the multi GÇö Criterial problem of optimal control, pp. 220
Mark <u>DURING</u> sweep rather than mark <u>THEN</u> sweep, pp. 224
Stratified universal manifolds and turnpike theorems for a class of optimal control problems, pp. 226
On the numerical approximation of problems of impulse controls, pp. 232
Efficient representation of taxonomies, pp. 232
Learning by back–propagation: Computing in a systolic way, pp. 235
Architecture of a communication network processor, pp. 238
Applications of compactness in the Smyth powerdomain of streams, pp. 241
The feasibility of a general–purpose parallel computer using WSI, pp. 251
Satisficing, pp. 252
Towards systolizing compilation: An overview, pp. 253
Characterizing Kripke structures in temporal logic, pp. 256
On approximate solution of the problem with point and boundary control, pp. 264
A coarse grain parallel architecture for functional languages, pp. 269
A–stable method for the solution of the cauchy problem for stiff systems of ordinary differential equations, pp. 270
Dialogue with a proof system, pp. 271
Strategies for a massively parallel implementation of simulated annealing, pp. 273
Some methods for numerical solution of optimal models in spatial–production planning, pp. 275
Induction principles formalized in the calculus of constructions, pp. 276
An extension of the method of feasible directions, pp. 280
A numerical method for solving linear control problems with mixed restrictions on control and phase coordinates, pp. 284
A Functional Programming environment supporting execution, partial execution and transformation, pp. 286
Algebraic semantics, pp. 287
The compaction of acyclic terms, pp. 288
Dual direction methods for function minimization, pp. 289
Implementation of variable metric methods for constrained optimization based on an augmented lagrangian functional, pp. 294
Limit extremum problems, pp. 303
A single–assignment language in a distributed memory multiprocessor, pp. 304
The gene concept and its implementation for a dataflow schemed parallel computer, pp. 306
Algorithms for solving non–linear programming problems, pp. 308
Structural optimization, pp. 314
Single–assignment semantics for imperative programs, pp. 321
Hybrid structure: A scheme for handling data structures in a data flow environment, pp. 323
On the solution of a class of non linear dirichlet problems by a penalty–duality method and finite elements of order one, pp. 327
Adaptive monte carlo method for solving constrained minimization problem in integer non–linear programming, pp. 334
A compiling approach for exploiting and–parallelism in parallel logic programming systems, pp. 335
Implementation conditions for delay insensitive circuits, pp. 341
Application of the quadratic minimization method to the problem of simulated system characteristics representation, pp. 343
Data structures for parallel execution of functional languages, pp. 346
Mathematical programming approach to a minimax theorem of statistical discrimination applicable to pattern recognition, pp. 348
penalty methods and some applications of mathematical programming, pp. 353
POOL and DOOM a survey of esprit 415 subproject A, Philips research laboratories, pp. 356
The typed ++–calculus with first–class processes, pp. 357
Numerical analysis of artificial enzyme membrane GÇö Hysteresis, oscillations and spontaneous structuration, pp. 359
The stability of optimal values in problems of discrete programming, pp. 372
ASPEN: A stream processing environment, pp. 374
Multi–level simulator for VLSI on the parallel object–oriented machine, pp. 374
Optimal control with minimum problems and variational inequalities, pp. 377
Dual minimax problems, pp. 383
Overview of a parallel reduction machine project II, pp. 385
The expressive power of simple parallelism, pp. 389
On the type of a polynomial relative to a circle GÇö An open problem, pp. 394
A parallel database accelerator, pp. 397
On bayesian methods for seeking the extremum, pp. 400
Riemannian integral of set–valued function, pp. 405
Compositionality in the temporal logic of concurrent systems, pp. 406
Characteristics of saturation of the class of convex functions, pp. 411
IDEAL & K–LEAF implementation: a progress report, pp. 413
A new heuristic method for general mixed integer linear programs: A report on work in progress (abstract), pp. 417
Closed GÇö Loop differential games, pp. 422
A temporal–logic based compositional proof system for real–time message passing, pp. 424
The sto//mann data flow machine, pp. 433
A programmed construction for the positional control, pp. 435
An extremal control in differential games, pp. 440
Some differential games with incomplete information, pp. 445
Some properties of nonzero–sum multistage games, pp. 451
Partheo: A parallel inference machine ESPRIT 415 subproject F, pp. 458
Equilibrium situations in games with a hierarchical structure of the vector of criteria, pp. 460
A class of linear differential evasion games, pp. 466
Analytical study of a case of the homicidal chauffeur game problem, pp. 472
An informational game problem, pp. 482
The pursuit game with the information lack of the evading player, pp. 487
On constructing invariant sets in linear differential games, pp. 493
A non cooperative game in a distributed parameter system, pp. 502
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