Monografia, Moderno

Ruolo: Curatore
Ruolo: Curatore

Commonwealth or common poverty? : the new literatures in English and the new discourse of marginality, pp. 1-16
In search of the lost body : redefining the subject in Caribbean literature, pp. 17-26
Opting out of the (critical) common market : creolization and the post–colonial text, pp. 27-40
The centre cannot hold : two views of the periphery, pp. 41-48
Writing oral history : Sistren theatre collective's "Lionheart Gal", pp. 49-57
Constitutive graphonomy : a post–colonial theory of literary writing, pp. 58-73
Of Marx and missionaries : Soyinka and the survival of universalism in post–colonial literary theory, pp. 74-85
Oral cultures and the empire of literature, pp. 86-96
Finding the centre : "English" poetry after empire, pp. 97-106
On eurocentric critical theory : some paradigms from the texts and sub–texts of post–colonial writing, pp. 107-118
The text of "Mother India", pp. 119-137
Caligula's horse, pp. 138-142

# Collocazione Prestabile Disponibilità  
IRCRES (TO) - CERIS Seminario: R3/05 Si Biblioteca
