
Monografia (1989) After Europe : critical theory and post–colonial writing
Monografia (1989) The empire writes back : theory and practice in post–colonial literatures
Monografia (1998) Key concepts in post–colonial studies

Freedom after the fall : renaissance and disillusionment in ''Water with berries'' and ''Guerrillas'', pp. 90 -98
Post–colonial reconstructions : literature, meaning, value, pp. 298-303
Transformative imageries, pp. 428-435
Cold hearts and (foreign) tongues : recitation and the reclamation of the female body in the works of Erna Brodber and Jamaica Kincaid, pp. 909-921
Travelling texts : intertextuality and resistance in V. S. Naipaul's "Guerrillas" and Jean Rhys's "Wide Sargasso Sea" ; 1993, Vol. 6, n. 2, pp. 58-66