Risorsa Analitica di Seriale

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© 2021, The Author(s).The inhomogeneous Poisson point process is a common model for time series of discrete, stochastic events. When an event from a point process is detected, it may trigger a random dead time in the detector, during which subsequent events will fail to be detected. It can be difficult or impossible to obtain a closed–form expression for the distribution of intervals between detections, even when the rate function (often referred to as the intensity function) and the dead–time distribution are given. Here, a method is presented to numerically compute the interval distribution expected for any arbitrary inhomogeneous Poisson point process modified by dead times drawn from any arbitrary distribution. In neuroscience, such a point process is used to model trains of neuronal spikes triggered by the detection of excitatory events while the neuron is not refractory. The assumptions of the method are that the process is observed over a finite observation window and that the detector is not in a dead state at the start of the observation window. Simulations are used to verify the method for several example point processes. The method should be useful for modeling and understanding the relationships between the rate functions and interval distributions of the event and detection processes, and how these relationships depend on the dead–time distribution.

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