Stochastic bursting in networks of excitable units with delayed coupling ; 2021
Partial directed coherence: twenty years on some history and an appraisal ; 2021
A phenomenological spiking model for octopus cells in the posterior–ventral cochlear nucleus ; 2021
Two dimensionless parameters and a mechanical analogue for the HKB model of motor coordination ; 2021
Resolving molecular contributions of ion channel noise to interspike interval variability through stochastic shielding ; 2021
Biological Cybernetics: 60 years and more to come ; 2021, Vol. 115, n. 1, pp. 5-6
A geometry– and muscle–based control architecture for synthesising biological movement ; 2021, Vol. 115, n. 1, pp. 7-37
Catastrophe theory in work from heartbeats to eye movements ; 2021, Vol. 115, n. 1, pp. 39-41
Multifrequency Hebbian plasticity in coupled neural oscillators ; 2021, Vol. 115, n. 1, pp. 43-57
Modeling inter–trial variability of pointing movements during visuomotor adaptation ; 2021, Vol. 115, n. 1, pp. 59-86
Bayesian mechanics of perceptual inference and motor control in the brain ; 2021, Vol. 115, n. 1, pp. 87-102
Sensitivity minimization, biological homeostasis and information theory ; 2021, Vol. 115, n. 1, pp. 103-113
The structure of images: 1984–2021 ; 2021, Vol. 115, n. 2, pp. 117-120
Relationships between lognormal distributions of neural properties, activity, criticality, and connectivity ; 2021, Vol. 115, n. 2, pp. 121-130
Deep reinforcement learning to study spatial navigation, learning and memory in artificial and biological agents ; 2021, Vol. 115, n. 2, pp. 131-134
Dynamical consequences of sensory feedback in a half–center oscillator coupled to a simple motor system ; 2021, Vol. 115, n. 2, pp. 135-160
Feed–forward and noise–tolerant detection of feature homogeneity in spiking networks with a latency code ; 2021, Vol. 115, n. 2, pp. 161-176
A numerical method for computing interval distributions for an inhomogeneous Poisson point process modified by random dead times ; 2021, Vol. 115, n. 2, pp. 177-190
Correction to: Control for multifunctionality: bioinspired control based on feeding in Aplysia californica (Biological Cybernetics, (2020), 114, 6, (557–588), 10.1007/s00422–020–00851–9) ; 2021, Vol. 115, n. 2, pp. 191
Correction to: A geometry– and muscle–based control architecture for synthesising biological movement (Biological Cybernetics, (2021), 115, 1, (7–37), 10.1007/s00422–020–00856–4) ; 2021, Vol. 115, n. 2, pp. 193
A personal retrospective on the 60th anniversary of the journal biological cybernetics ; 2021, Vol. 115, n. 3, pp. 205-206
Perceptual adaptation during a balancing task in the seated posture and its theoretical model ; 2021, Vol. 115, n. 3, pp. 207-217
Leveraging deep learning to control neural oscillators ; 2021, Vol. 115, n. 3, pp. 219-235
Neural field theory of neural avalanche exponents ; 2021, Vol. 115, n. 3, pp. 237-243
Correction to: Resolving molecular contributions of ion channel noise to interspike interval variability through stochastic shielding (Biological Cybernetics, (2021), 115, 3, (267–302), 10.1007/s00422–021–00877–7) ; 2021, Vol. 115, n. 3, pp. 303-304