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© 1963–2012 IEEE.Contribution: This article presents a project–based learning (PBL) activity for use in the instruction of network attacks on cyber–physical systems. Student learning is analyzed to determine the project's contribution to learning outcome attainment. Background: The literature contains a significant amount of research on the benefits of PBL as a technique that enhances student attainment of learning outcomes. However, minimal published work currently exists on the use of PBL activities in cybersecurity of control systems curricula. Intended Outcomes: The proposed activity is intended to facilitate student attainment of cybersecurity curriculum learning outcomes and for use in assessing student learning. Application Design: A group PBL method is selected to develop student teamwork in addition to attaining technical learning outcomes. Project design seeks to minimize laboratory costs while providing flexibility for future enhancement. Findings: Analysis of the proposed activity shows that students are able to attain specified learning outcomes at or above expectations and are engaged while completing the activity.

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