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© 1963–2012 IEEE.Contribution: An approach of integrating financial literacy into an introductory programming course is introduced. New learning materials are developed and the impact of the approach on motivating students and improving learning outcomes are evaluated using mixed methods. Background: More than two–thirds of college students in the U.S. graduate with a student loan, but they are not necessarily equipped with essential financial knowledge to manage their debts and make intelligent financial decisions. This issue must be addressed to alleviate any potential negative impact on college education. Since personal finance requires data processing and quantitative analyses, it is a great application context for computing education. The integration of the two can potentially improve students' learning experience and outcome. Research Questions: What learning materials are needed to integrate financial literacy into introductory programming? Does the integration help students improve learning outcomes? Methodology: Learning materials are developed following a set of guiding principles. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are used to evaluate the impact of the approach. Findings: Evaluation indicated that the learning materials and the overall approach are effective in helping students learn programming. Students are also more aware of personal finance.

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